The SANKI REPORT consists of business outcomes and other financial information, as well as non-financial information such as business strategies, overviews on business activities, CSR and environmental measures of the Group, for conveying the business activities of our Group during the year to our stakeholders in an easy-to-understand way and to promote understanding of them.
- P.04 Management Philosophy
- P.06 History of Sanki Engineering
- P.08 Business Overview by Segment
- P.12 Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
P.14 Message from the President
Value Creation through Sustainability Management
- P.18 Sanki Engineering Group's Ultra-Long-Term Vision
- P.20 Our Value Creation Process
- P.22 Management Resources of the Sanki Engineering Group
- P.24 Sanki Engineering Group Materiality
Growth Strategies and Sustainability Management
- P.26 Status of the Medium-Term Management Plan "Century 2025" Phase 3 (FY2022–2025)
- P.30 Message from the Chief Financial Officer
- P.33 Facilities Construction Business
- P.36 Facility Systems Business
- P.38 Plants & Machinery Systems Business
Foundation of Sustainability Management
- P.42 Sustainability Management
- P.44 Sanki Engineering Group Value Chain
- P.46 Environment
- P.58 Social
- P.58 Feature 2: Initiatives for Our DX Vision
- P.60 Roundtable Discussion with External Director and Female Employees
Women's Challenges as a Force for Corporate Growth - P.64 Quality Control
- P.68 Occupational Health and Safety
- P.70 Supply Chain
- P.73 Human Rights
- P.74 Human Resources
- P.81 Local Communities
- P.84 Governance
Financial Report and Corporate Information
- P.102 Financial Report
- P.110 Corporate Information, Business Locations, and Group Companies
- P.112 Share Information