Medium-term Management Plan
Through its long-term vision, “Century 2025,” with sights set on 2025, the centennial of our company’s foundation, the Sanki Engineering Group aims to further enhance its “quality” and “reliability” to become the ultimate “company of choice” for our stakeholders. To achieve our long-term vision, we divided the ten year period from FY2016 to FY2025 into three phases, and, building on the achievements of Phase 1, which was a three-year period of enhancing “quality”, the medium-term management plan “Century 2025” Phase 2 (FY2019 - FY2021) focused on further pursuing “quality” to strengthen reliability.
Following on from this, under our new medium-term management plan “Century 2025” Phase 3 (FY2022 - FY2025), we aim to become a “company that is consistently chosen”, and forge ahead with new policies such as the promotion of sustainability management to put the finishing touches on our long-term vision and lay the foundations for the next generation as we approach the company’s centennial.