Sanki Engineering Corporate Governance Guidelines

Established on December 18, 2015
Revised on December 21, 2018
Revised on June 27, 2019
Revised on June 25, 2020
Revised on November 30, 2021
Revised on June 27, 2022

Chapter 1General Provisions

Article 1Purpose

The Sanki Engineering Corporate Governance Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidelines”) set forth the basic idea of Sanki Engineering Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and Sanki Engineering Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Group”) regarding the Group's corporate governance based on its management philosophy.

Article 2Definition

The corporate governance of the Group is a systematic mechanism and approach in which the Board of Directors supervises the execution of duties by the Chief Executive Officers and strengthens their functions, interacts with stakeholders (such as customers, shareholders, investors, employees, business partners, local communities, and administrative organs), and performs transparent and fair as well as prompt and bold decision-making, in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase the medium- to long-term corporate value.

Article 3Organizational Structure for the Company's Decision-Making

The Company shall adopt a Company with a Board of Company Auditors system with dedicated, full-time auditors as its organizational design. Under this structure, the Company Auditors and the Board of Auditors audit the execution of duties by the directors, the accounting auditors audit the financial statements and other documents, and the Board of Directors makes decisions on material issues.

Article 4Attitude of Implementation

As part of the implementation of corporate governance, the Group shall strive to recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility and to establish a lasting trust relationship with its stakeholders by promoting positive communication and constructive dialogue in good faith.

Article 5Revision and Abolition

These Guidelines shall be revised or abolished by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 2Securing of Rights and Equality of Shareholders

Article 6General Meeting of Shareholders

The Company shall strive to develop the following environment in which shareholders can appropriately exercise their rights at the general meeting of shareholders:

  1. 1.By dispatching a notice to call a general meeting of shareholders and disclosing such notice on the Company's website, etc., as early as possible, a reasonable period should be provided for shareholders to review the agenda items for the general meeting of shareholders;
  2. 2.With respect to any votes against a resolution of the general meeting of shareholders, the causes should be analyzed as necessary;
  3. 3.If the Board of Directors is entrusted with decision-making on material issues by the general meeting of shareholders, the corporate governance system should be verified;
  4. 4.If any shareholder who holds shares in the name of a trust bank makes a request to exercise their voting rights, etc., this should be dealt with appropriately;
  5. 5.Consideration should be given to the schedule of the general meeting of shareholders; and
  6. 6.In order for all shareholders, including those shareholders who do not participate in the general meeting of shareholders, to appropriately exercise their voting rights, an environment in which shareholders can exercise their voting rights via the Internet, including the use of an electronic voting rights exercise platform, should be developed, and any notice to call a general meeting of shareholders should be translated into English.
Article 7Securing Equality of Shareholders

The Company shall treat all shareholders equally in accordance with the number of shares held by such shareholders and, in particular, shall strive to disclose information so as not to cause information gaps among shareholders.

Article 8Basic Strategy for Capital Policy

The Company shall stabilize its financial base and raise funds basically through indirect finance. In addition, the Company shall implement capital policies that appropriately balance advance investment in technology development and human resource education, etc., for future growth, financial base stability, and shareholder returns.

Article 9Protection of Rights of Shareholders
  1. (1)When the Company implements policies that affect the rights of shareholders, from the viewpoint of protecting the rights of those shareholders, the necessity and rationality shall be fully examined by the Board of Directors and the Company Auditors, appropriate procedures shall be ensured, and sufficient explanations shall be provided to shareholders.
  2. (2)In the case of a tender offer, the policy of the Board of Directors shall be explained to shareholders.
  3. (3)In cases of transactions between relevant parties, the Board of Directors shall establish appropriate procedures so as not to harm the common interests of the Company and the shareholders.
Article 10Basic Policy for Cross-Shareholdings and Exercise of Voting Rights
  1. (1)The Company shall hold shares of listed companies with the aim of increasing the Company's medium- and long-term corporate value by maintaining and strengthening long-term and stable business relationships or by other methods. The Board of Directors shall verify the objectives of holding these cross-shareholding shares and their economic rationality periodically every year. Any sale of the cross-shareholding shares shall be examined comprehensively taking the results of the above verification into consideration.
  2. (2)With respect to exercising voting rights on the cross-shareholding shares, each agenda item shall be examined closely before a decision is made.

Chapter 3Consideration for Interests of Stakeholders Other Than Shareholders

Article 11Ethical Standards
  1. (1)The Group's executive officers and employees shall always act ethically in compliance with its code of conduct, such as the “Sanki Engineering Group Compliance Declaration,” the “Sanki Engineering Group Code of Conduct and Action Guidelines,” and the “Sanki Engineering Group Conduct Standards.”
  2. (2)The Company shall verify the effectiveness of its code of conduct regularly at the Board of Directors meetings, for example, as to whether an organizational culture where ethical judgments and actions related to business activities can be autonomously performed has actually been developed.
Article 12Relationship with Stakeholders
  1. (1)The Group's executive officers and employees shall, when collaborating with stakeholders, always take into account the interests of stakeholders.
  2. (2)The Group shall not treat any stakeholders who become aware of illegal or unethical behavior of the Group and provide notice to the relevant contact person (including the Company's notification contacts for internal reporting) disadvantageously.
Article 13Sustainability
  1. (1)The Board of Directors shall deem issues related to sustainability, including consideration of global environmental issues such as climate change, respect for human rights, consideration of the health and working environment of employees, fair and appropriate treatment, fair and proper transactions with business partners, and risk management against natural disasters, to be important management issues for the future, and shall positively address such issues.
  2. (2)In order to promote sustainability management, the Company shall establish a Sustainability Committee mainly consisting of full-time Directors. The Committee shall regularly discuss and review issues related to sustainability, and report the results to the Board of Directors.
  3. (3)In particular, the impact of climate change risks and opportunities on the Group's business activities and revenue shall be disclosed in compliance with the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) or any other internationally established disclosure framework.
Article 14Diversity
  1. (1)The Group shall promote diversity based on recognition of the fact that the existence of diverse perspectives and values reflecting a variety of experiences, skills, and attributes within the company is a strength in achieving sustainable growth.
  2. (2)The Group shall make efforts to secure diversity in the promotion of core human resources, including the promotion of women, foreign nationals, and mid-career staffs to managerial positions, and, in human resource development, shall give equal opportunities for education and training, as well as fair chances of promotion to managerial positions, based on the appropriate evaluation of individual skills while giving consideration to diversity. It shall also develop a necessary internal environment so that diverse human resources can make the most of their abilities.
Article 15Internal Reporting

The Company shall strive to establish an appropriate framework for internal reporting to protect the confidentiality of information providers and prohibit any disadvantageous treatment thereof by establishing notification contacts for internal reporting both inside and outside the company, and the Board of Directors shall supervise its enforcement.

Article 16Functioning as the Asset Owner of the Corporate Pension Fund

The Company shall strive to sufficiently function as the asset owner of the corporate pension fund by establishing an appropriate management scheme with regard to the corporate pension assets.

Chapter 4Appropriate Information Disclosure and Securing of Transparency

Article 17Basic Policy for Information Disclosure

The Company shall disclose information on the Group, including voluntary disclosure, in a timely and appropriate manner in accordance with the Companies Act and other laws and regulations, and applicable financial instruments exchange rules.

Chapter 5Responsibilities of Board of Directors

Article 18Roles of Directors and the Board of Directors
  1. (1)The directors and the Board of Directors shall strive to achieve sustainable growth and increase medium- to long-term corporate value by being mandated by shareholders, realizing efficient and effective corporate governance, making decisions on material issues of the Company, and supervising the execution of duties.
  2. (2)The Directors and the Board of Directors shall endeavor to appropriately build and improve the internal control system, risk management system, and compliance system of the entire Group, oversee the operational status thereof by utilizing the internal audit section, and disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner.
  3. (3)The Board of Directors shall supervise the situation as needed regarding the selection of the successor of the Chief Executive Officer.
  4. (4)The Board of Directors shall establish procedures for conflict of interest transactions to deliberate and approve the transactions.
Article 19Composition Policy of Board of Directors
  1. (1)The Board of Directors shall be composed of diverse Directors so as to encompass the skills expected to be exercised by the members of the Board of Directors, which are identified in advance in light of the management strategy. The number of Directors shall be appropriate for the most effective and efficient exercise of their functions and within the scope specified in the Articles of Incorporation, and their composition shall be reviewed periodically. The Auditors shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and, when deemed necessary, state their opinions.
  2. (2)The ratio of Independent External Directors shall be one-third or more.
Article 20Director Candidate Nomination Policy
  1. (1)The Board of Directors shall nominate as candidates for Directors those who are expected to fulfill the roles of Directors and the Board of Directors based on the skills that the Board of Directors should have.
  2. (2)Candidates for External Directors must be persons who can be expected to provide advice from an independent and objective standpoint, and candidates for Independent External Directors must be one or more persons who have management experience as top-level executives at other companies.
  3. (3)If any director becomes unable to fulfill his/her duties as the director of the Company for health or medical reasons or causes any damage to the corporate value of the Company due to nonfulfillment of his/her duties, an agenda regarding the dismissal of the director shall be deliberated by the Board of Directors through examination by the Advisory Committee on Nomination and Remuneration.
Article 21Role of Company Auditors

The Company Auditors shall strive to ensure appropriate collaboration with stakeholders, achieve sound and sustainable growth while increasing medium- to long-term corporate value, and establish a high-quality corporate governance system worthy of society's trust by playing a supervisory role in collaboration with the Board of Directors and supervising the execution of duties by the directors as a dedicated organization mandated by the shareholders.

Article 22Policy for Nomination of Company Auditor Candidates
  1. (1)The Board of Directors shall, with the prior consent of the Board of Company Auditors, nominate those persons who have deep insight and high ethics and are expected to play the role of Company Auditor under the preceding article as candidates for Company Auditors.
  2. (2)As candidates for external auditors, the Board of Directors shall nominate those persons who are expected to provide advice from an independent and objective position, in addition to the provisions set forth in the preceding paragraph.
  3. (3)The Board of Directors shall strive to appoint at least one (1) person who has appropriate expertise on finance and accounting as a candidate of the Company Auditor.
Article 23Disclosure of Reasons for Individual Nominations

The Company shall disclose the reasons for the nomination of the directors and the Company Auditors candidates.

Article 24Advisory Committee on Nomination and Remuneration
  1. (1)The Advisory Committee on Nomination and Remuneration shall be established under the Board of Directors as an independent committee with the aim of enhancing the fairness, transparency, and objectivity of procedures relating to the personnel affairs and remuneration of Directors, as well as of enhancing the Company's Corporate Governance.
  2. (2)The number of Committee members, including the chairperson, shall be three or more, and they shall be appointed from among the External Directors by resolution of the Board of Directors.
  3. (3)At the request of the Board of Directors, the Committee shall submit a report from an independent standpoint, including the viewpoints of gender diversity and skills.
Article 25Nomination Procedures

When the Company nominates candidates for the Board of Directors, the Advisory Committee on Nomination and Remuneration shall deliberate thereon and submit the results of its deliberation to the Board of Directors. When the Company nominates candidates for Company Auditors, the Board of Directors shall, with the prior consent of the Company Auditors, determine this issue as an agenda item at the general meeting of shareholders.

Article 26Role of External Officers
  1. (1)The external officers shall secure sufficient time for the management of the Company in order to play an important role in verifying and evaluating the management results of the Company from the viewpoint of the common interests of shareholders.
  2. (2)If an external officer concurrently serves as an officer of another company etc., the concurrent service status shall be disclosed.
  3. (3)The independence standards for the external officers shall be as set forth in the Attachment.
Article 27Meetings of External Officers

The Company shall regularly hold a Liaison Meeting of External Officers comprised of external officers to exchange the necessary information and share recognition, and to openly exchange views.

Article 28Management of the Board of Directors

The Company shall strive to foster a climate where open and constructive discussions take place at the Board of Directors meetings and to implement the following for its smooth operation:

  1. 1.Decide on the annual schedule and anticipated agenda items;
  2. 2.Distribute materials for the Board of Directors meetings well in advance of each meeting date;
  3. 3.Set an appropriate number of agenda items and frequency of meetings;
  4. 4.Secure time for deliberations; and
  5. 5.Provide sufficient information in addition to the materials for the Board of Directors meetings.
Article 29Evaluation of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall create the opportunity to verify the agenda deliberation process and identify points for improvement by itself once a year, and analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the entire Board of Directors, and then make use of these results to improve the operation, etc., of the Board of Directors in the future. In this regard, a summary of the evaluation results shall be disclosed.

Article 30Training of Directors and Company Auditors
  1. (1)At the time the directors and the Company Auditors assume their positions, the Company shall provide them with information on the Company's history, business performance, and future business plans, and information related to laws, finance, and accounting, etc.
  2. (2)After the directors and the Company Auditors take office, the Company shall strive to provide them with training opportunities on the supervision and auditing of management, and other opportunities to acquire knowledge periodically.
Article 31Basic Policy on Remuneration of Directors and Company Auditors
  1. (1)The Company shall each year decide on the remuneration for directors and Company Auditors separately within the limits adopted by the general meeting of shareholders, based on the three (3) components: fixed remuneration, bonus, and restricted stock remuneration, ensuring that the amount is aligned with the long-term interests of shareholders and offers motivation for maximizing corporate value, with due consideration for balancing each of the following elements:
    1. 1. Fixed remuneration:According to rank and scope of responsibilities
    2. 2. Bonus:Portion linked to performance during the period
    3. 3. Restricted Stock
      Granted according to rank and role as a medium- to long-term incentive
  2. (2)The elements and procedures for remuneration for directors and Company Auditors are as follows:
Bonus Restricted Stock
(Except for External Directors)
○* Decided by the Board of Directors following deliberation by the Advisory Committee on Nomination and Remuneration
External Directors -
Company Auditors
(Except for External Company Auditors)
- Decided by consultation among the Company Auditors
External Company

*Except for Non-Executive Directors

“○” and “-” mean with elements and without elements, respectively.

Chapter 6Dialogue with Shareholders

Article 32Basic Policy on Dialogue with Shareholders
  1. (1)When engaging in dialogue with shareholders, the Board of Directors shall endeavor to understand the shareholder structure, respond to interviews within a reasonable scope (including External Directors and Auditors), and establish a system for constructive dialogue.
  2. (2)When formulating and announcing a management strategy such as a medium-term management plan, the Board of Directors shall present the basic policy on the business portfolio determined by it and the status of reviewing the business portfolio in an easy-to-understand manner.

Supplementary Provisions

These Guidelines shall be enforced as of June 27, 2022.


Independence Standards for External Officers

The Company will deem an External Director or External Auditor independent if he/she does not fall under any of the following items at the time of determining the proposal for his/her appointment to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders:

  1. 1.A person whose major business partner (Note 1) is the Company, or when the person is a corporation (Note 2), an executive (Note 3) thereof;
  2. 2.A major business partner (Note 1) or a major lender (Note 4) of the Company, or when the person is a corporation (Note 2), an executive (Note 3) thereof;
  3. 3.A consultant, accounting professional, or legal professional who receives a large amount of money or other property (Note 5) other than his/her officer's compensation from the Company;
  4. 4.A person who has recently (Note 6) fallen under any of items 1 through 3 above;
  5. 5.A relative within the second degree of kinship of a person falling under any of (a) through (d) below, unless the relationship has been dissolved due to divorce, dissolution of adoption, etc.:
    1. (a)A person who falls under any of items 1 through 4 above;
    2. (b)An executive (Note 3) of a subsidiary of the Company;
    3. (c)A Non-executive Director of a subsidiary of the Company (when designating an External Auditor as an Independent Officer); or
    4. (d)A person who has recently (Note 6) fallen under (b) or (c) above, or served as an executive (Note 3) of the Company; or
  6. 6.A major shareholder of the Company who has recently (Note 6) held 10% or more of the Company's total shares for three consecutive years or more, or when the person is a corporation (Note 2), an executive (Note 3) thereof.
(Note 1)
If a business partner paid the Company the amount equivalent to 3% or more of the Company's annual consolidated sales for the year in which the payment was made, and such a situation has continued for three consecutive years or more, then the business partner is called a “major business partner,” in principle.
(Note 2)
“Corporation” means a corporation, or an entity other than a corporation, such as an association.
(Note 3)
“Executive” means an Executive Director, or an employee who holds a section head-class managerial position, such as the head of headquarters, a business department, or a branch office, or who holds an equally important position.
(Note 4)
If the Company's outstanding amount borrowed from a lender was equivalent to 2% or more of the Company's consolidated total assets as of the end of a fiscal year, and such a situation has continued for three consecutive years or more, then the lender is called a “major lender,” in principle.
(Note 5)
“A large amount of money or other property” means money or other property equivalent to JPY 10 million or more per year.
(Note 6)
“Recently” means a period of five years immediately preceding the time of determining the relevant proposal for appointment to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders.