Industrial HVAC Business

Industrial HVAC Business

In the Industrial HVAC Business, we offer systems for conserving and effectively using energy, by taking advantage of our unique clean room and other technologies built on element technologies that reflect our many years of experience, thereby supporting cutting-edge industries.

Major Technologies and Services Here are some of the technologies and services we offer, among many others.

Industrial HVAC systems
Industrial HVAC systems

At manufacturing factories, special elements and environmental conditions that differ between industries are demanded. Sanki Engineering considers the ideal manufacturing environment by offering various technologies in HVAC, plumbing and electric systems, and techniques in water treatment and transportation, in an integrated manner.

Semiconductor and Flat Panel Display (FPD) Manufacturing Systems
Semiconductor and Flat Panel Display (FPD) Manufacturing Systems

Sanki Engineering utilizes its unique technologies in HVAC and interior systems for supporting the construction of super clean rooms. We are able to offer clean rooms according to diverse requirements, including techniques for nanotechnology, chemicals, low dew point and minute vibration.

Manufacturing Facilities for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Food Products
Manufacturing Facilities for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Food Products

Bio-clean rooms are indispensable for the manufacture of medical and pharmaceutical products and for the medical environment under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), just as HACCP-compliant clean rooms are for food factories. These facilities require special element technologies. Utilizing its proven track record and unique, sophisticated technologies, Sanki Engineering supports thorough hygienic management and energy conservation.

Environmental Control
Environmental Control

Environmental control facilities are capable of creating special indoor spaces artificially. Our engineering capabilities are being utilized effectively, for example, in all-weather testing devices and exhaust gas treatment devices for automobiles, stratified wind tunnels used in thermal analyses of the heat-island effect, and low-pressure athletic training experiment centers.

Freezing & Refrigeration
Freezing & Refrigeration

For Japan, which has imported food materials from around the world, freezer warehouse facilities equipped with a full range of freezing and refrigeration facilities are indispensable for storing frozen food materials carried in refrigerated transport, and in recent days, medical and pharmaceutical products such as vaccine. Since environmental conditions differ greatly inside and outside these facilities, the utmost attention and advanced technical capabilities are required when constructing them. Sanki Engineering has a proven track record in this area also.